These are fun factoids. I call them "factoids" because
who knows if they're true or not ... I got them in an email, which makes
it immediately suspect. :-)
- Dr. Seuss made up the word "nerd" in his 1950 book, If
I Ran the Zoo.
- It takes 3,000 cows to supply the NFL with enough leather for a
year's supply of footballs.
- There are an average of 178 sesame seeds on a McDonald's Big Mac
- The world's termites outweigh the world's humans 10 to 1.
- When Heinz ketchup leaves the bottle, it travels at a rate of 25
miles per year.
- Average lifespan of a major league baseball: 5 pitches.
- Elephants can't jump. Every other mammal can.
- The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.
- Five Jell-O flavors that flopped: celery, coffee, cola, apple and