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Tuesday, February 24, 2004

The Zoloft Starts To Work...

Finally got DSL in the apartment but I can't use it yet because the DSL kit they sent is sitting in the manager's office, which is closed. I'm on a dial-up modem right now. Man, I forgot how slow it could be. You don't surf the 'net on a dial-up modem, you saunter through it.

Looks like I'll be heavily tied up through the rest of this week working on the old house. Lots of cleaning, sorting, storing, and selling to do. I may have to take off more time from work. I'll be SO GLAD when it's over.

It's after 1:30 AM as I type this. I couldn't sleep so I thought I might as well get online and make a journal entry. Nothing much going on except for the move. Pulled my kid out of her old school today, and am putting her into the new one tomorrow. Hope I'll be awake for it.

I feel much better being less than 5 minutes away from her during the day, instead of two towns away.

Oh, and I should mention, I think the Zoloft is kicking in. Either that or I'm feeling better because I'm taking active control over my situation. Or both.



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