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Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Progress feels good...

...all the way to the bone. I've gone through my pile of yet-unpublished short stories, applying some repair and/or polishing to each, and am now in the process of getting them out to some promising markets. A quick check with one of the pro horror mags confirmed that, yes, they're still planning on printing my "hitman vs. dark forces" story. And ideas for new stories are coming to me everyday (and quickly recorded in this nifty little Palm Pilot).

This week's goal is for me to complete my part of the divorce papers and get them back to Becky. It's painful but necessary. Both of us have significant others who are anxious for us to get it done. My major concern is making sure Becky remains on my health insurance long enough so that she can replace it with insurance of her own.

COBRA is not an option. It is, in fact, a big fat joke. Anyone who can actually afford it doesn't really need it. If you need it, you can't afford it. Whoever set the COBRA system up this way is evil, pure evil, and my only sense of satisfaction is the knowledge that the bad karma they generated while creating this cruel joke is going to eventually come back upon them.

In the mean time, Becky (and, I hope, my kids) know I still love them. And miss them. And wish them all the happiness in the world. :-(


psiler said...

COBRA is pure evil. When I was in a situation between jobs, I managed to somehow defer my COBRA payment. So in effect I had paperwork in place, and if God Forbid something happened, I could make a payment and my coverage would be retroactive. As the payment was high, it would have to be something pretty catastrophic to warrant such an action. Luckily, nothing happened, and I was able to get immediate coverage when I found employment. Keep the faith!

4:06 PM x x
Anonymous said...



8:09 PM x x

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