In a world forever changed by corporate warfare, where even the government and religious powers bow to the will of mass media, a handful of hackers and urbanite rebels plot against a cybernetic power they're convinced is the Antichrist himself.  FIVE STAR RATING on!

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Tuesday, January 04, 2005



psiler said...

Amen, Brother!

12:39 PM x x
Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO!!! And just imagine what flying will be like if the government proceeds with plans to allow in-flight wireless phone calls (wince)


2:47 PM x x
William Ledbetter said...

Hee hee...where can I get a big stack of those cards?

10:15 AM x x
Anonymous said...


If I were teaching a class in science fiction, I’d assign a term paper project asking students to read and compare TRAVELS and FAHRENHEIT 451. It would be a fascinating exercise to read students’ comparisons of the two books. Both books employ the use of endless media to seize idle minds; both books have subversive renegades who live primitively outside the city; both books have a society patrolled by dispassionate police drones.

Bradbury’s book is definitely about government sponsored censorship and oppression. TRAVELS is arguably about oppression coming from the private sector, albeit with government assistance.

On an editorial note, should you decide to revise this or offer a second edition, two things come to mind. First, you mentioned “silicon” objects a couple times when I think you meant “silicone”. Second, I don’t believe that Jack Daniels is considered bourbon. I seem to recall that bourbon must be made in Kentucky, while JD is made in Tennessee.

All-in-all, this is among the better SF novels that I’ve read. It blows the doors off the serial stuff in the Dell mags. I like books that deal with the cultural implications of technology and automation.

Do you still have the contract through I could see a larger publisher buying the contract for this book.

Steve J [as Jess Patrick]

3:18 PM x x

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