So, this is creating a controversy?
Starbucks seems to be under fire from some religious groups who think this new logo design is slutty and against God.
I have a big problem with this.
1) God designed the human body, therefor it is Holy, not slutty.
2) This is freaking mermaid, not a woman, and it’s based on ancient artwork.
3) She’s not engaged in anything pornographic.
4) If God had a problem with boobs, He wouldn’t have put them on people.
5) If Starbucks backs down and changes their logo to accommodate the whining of prudish, off-base, idiotic religious groups, they will lose what little respect I have for them.
Seriously, I could see an uproar if it featured something like the close up of a penis or a woman’s vagina, but this?
Come on, people. Get a life.